How To Attract Money, The Spiritual Way If you have ever been wondering how to attract money in your life, you’re not the only one. But did you know that inviting abundance can be as easy as raising your vibration? Well, it is! If you find yourself saying things like… : “I can’t afford to do that.” “I’m no good with money.” “Rich people are evil.” “Money changes people.” “There’s not enough in the account.” … then you are using money-repelling statements ! Each of these statements has a very negative energy to it. And you should know that your word is your command. In addition to becoming aware of your thoughts and speech about money, how do you handle money? Do you pay your bills gratefully for having received a service, or do you pay them resentfully? Do you avoid paying your bills? Do you worry about money or how to attract money? Do you ever act miserly with your money, believing that if you give it to someone or so...