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Make $100 Daily Via Internet

31 Smart Ways To Make $100 Daily Via Internet

"***  I'll show you how to use content marketing to start making real money on the internet. Every day, people come to the internet looking for one form of money making ideas from home.This post is aimed at showing you what works, so you can go ahead and implement the ideas and earn $100.  ***" 

This post is aimed at showing you what works, so you can go ahead and implement the ideas to earn $100 every day.
Bear in mind that you need to work hard, take responsibility for your life and blame no one for being broke. Money is everywhere on the internet, if you can make $100 every 24 hours, that should be $3,100 at the end of the month. Isn’t that wonderful?
1).   Make Extra Cash Through Ghost Writing 
If you have a writing skill, you can earn money online from home by helping internet marketers, and others write their content. As a beginner, an article of about 600 - 700 words minimum can fetch you $20 – $50.
As time goes on, you’ll become good at it and start earning over $70 - $80 for a writing job that you can complete in about an hour. Your writing doesn’t have to be special, but the English must be correct. Some places to find ghostwriting jobs are:
  • Upwork
  • Tutorialtub
  • Donanza
  • Freelancer, etc.

2).   Money Making Online with Pay Per Sale Programs 
This is a form of affiliate marketing that is unique and profitable. When you promote a pay per sale product, you earn about 50% – 75% of the product cost.
You don’t need any website to make money with pay per sale, but you should have basic knowledge of building a free website or blog. You can use WordPress or to set up a free blog and promote your affiliate offers. 
This free money making ideas can fetch you $100 daily once you’ve buyers. When you refer a customer that purchases an item from any of the online shopping sites below, you earn a commission (up to 10%):
  • Ebay
  • ShareASale
  • Amazon
  • Wal-Mart, and virtually all other shopping sites.
  3).    Make Money Online with Paid Per Post
People are so busy these days with one project and the other. If you have a spare time, you can invest it and help other people with advertising.
As a paid per post person, you will make money from home when you post on forums, reply to threads, post on blogs, post on free classified sites etc.
This is a perfect business for stay at home moms, dads, kids and students. It’s simple, easy to start and you can make $10 – $20 for a 30-minute posting job. To start posting and making money, check out these sites:
  • Blogvertise
  • Rantrave
  • And several other pay per post sites.
4).   Make Money With Resale Rights Products
Resale rights products is a great money making ideas from home that works. In fact, this is the secret of success for most internet millionaires.
You don’t have to create your own product, because there are millions of e-books and software products created by experts.Your role is to get this products, sell and keep 100% of the profit.
It’s quite different from pay per sale, here you don’t share any profit with anyone, it’s yours forever. However, you need to determine the license giving to any resale rights product, master resale license and private label rights are the best. How do you access resale rights products?
5).   Make Cool Money Online Building Relationship With Customers Via Email Marketing
The money is in the list – have you heard that before? However you look at it, it’s 100% true. You can make $500 from a single email you send to your subscribers, if you don’t have an email list yet, start collecting email address today.
You need to start with an autoresponder and I recommend Aweber and GetResponse.
I've made more money through email marketing than any other strategy online. Don't promote any affiliate offer, or your own product for that matter directly. Always capture users email address, by giving them free information (e.g., an ebook, a few chapters of your book for free, or software.
Once they're on your list, it's pretty easy to communicate with them - and convince them to buy any product that will benefit them. "Get them onto your list first!"
With this, you can build your responsive email because your subscribers have to confirm their subscription.
This is an open invitation for you to send them follow up messages, promote offers and make money from home. It’s simple. Start today.Resources you need are: Aweber or GetResponse– Squeeze page– free report, etc.
6).   Make Legit Income Through Bum Marketing (Updated)
Bum marketing is a money making opportunity that I first used to generate my first $400 online.
For those who are just starting out, it’s a simple business model where you promote another person’s product, preferably e-books, membership site and earn a 50% commission.You first research your keywords with either Google keyword tool or Buyer Keywords Generator.
After that, you research long tail keywords and use them to create your article Submit these keyword rich articles to authority publishing sites, such as LinkedIn Pulse, Medium, etc. You will rank on Google’s top results pages within 90 days.

When submitting articles to these authority websites...

Link to your landing page directly. Capture user's email address, and start building relationship with them. Then, recommend your offer, and when a sale is made, you earn about $26.14 or more depending on the product cost.

Link to your landing page directly. Capture user's email address, and start building relationship with them. Then, recommend your offer, and when a sale is made, you earn about $26.14 or more depending on the product cost.

7).   Write Articles And Sell it To Earn Income 
This fast money making idea is superb. You can sell your articles to those who need them. Like I said earlier, a lot of website and blog owners don’t have the time to write their posts and articles.You have a role to play in this.
There are several sites where you can submit your article and put a price on it.These sites will have a copyright to your work, but you make the money.
Well, who cares, it’s the money that matters. This work from home business opportunity does not need any investment at all. In fact with the sites below, you can start selling your works immediately. Here:– Constant-Content– AssociatedContent– Sell my articles etc
8).   Use Ready Made Niche Sites To Earn Extra Income Online
Why searching for legitimate work from home jobs, I discovered some decent ready made sites. These are sites done for you, you just have to select the one you love, promote and earn 100% profit.Let’s assume the product on this site is sold for $57, when a sale is made, it’s yours alone.
This is a win/win home business opportunity and several people have been doing it. if you need to start, I will recommend a good place to get your ready money sites. Download great ready made sites: – Ready Niche Profits
9).   Leverage Domain Name Packing and Flipping To Generate Income
On, you will be able to do website flipping business and earn over $1000 per site. I have seen people who successfully sold their website for $5,000 and above.The domain name and total cost of setting up this site is less than $50 and they sold it for $5,000.
Can you imagine the profit margin in this?Well, You should seriously consider this business if you don’t like all the competition online these days especially in promoting affiliate products.As at last year, domain flipping revenue was valued at %15,000,000,000.
This tells you that this market is hot. You can learn this business, the dos and don’ts right from home from those who are making millions yearly.
Once you are armed with the right knowledge, head over to Flippa and website broker and sell your website for thousands of dollars. 
10).   Don't Be Left Behind: Start Niche Blogging, Build a Loyal Audience, Make Money
A niche is a tiny path of the entire market. It’s easier to make money online from home when you market to a selected group of people who have the money and wants immediate solution to their problems.You can learn what blogging is about, and how to start blogging today.
But never forget that a huge part of blogging requires you to write.It’s also very easy to rank on Google Top 10 when you target tiny niches.
For instance, instead of promoting make money online products, you can break it down and promote “how to make money with AdSense, make money online with Ebay, how to pack domain for cash etc. ”Start building mini blogs for this business, a handful of blogs can make you $4,000 at the end of the month.
11).   Build A Profitable Business Online As a Copywriter
Can you persuade people to take action with your words? Then, you’re as good as a millionaire in the next 12 months.
Copy writing is a business model that is profitable, a single copywriting job can fetch you $1,000 and more.
This business opportunity is quite different from ghost writing, only experts write copies that sell. You need to learn the basics and as time goes by, you’ll become a copy writing professional. You can write email copies, sales copy and ads copy for clients.
You can do this business from home while still keeping your day’s job. Yes, if your day’s job is great, with decent income, copy writing can earn you extra income as we all know, one source of income is never enough for anyone today. 
12).   Become a Successful Ebook Cover Designer and Earn Cash
Ebook cover designs is a huge business of its own. Are you proficient in graphics and wants to earn some income from it, the best easy money you can make is that of your skills.
This is because you can charge the client whatever you think it’s fair. Everyday, new e-books are sold in the market, marketers are writing and they need mouth watering covers to sell their work.
E-book authors knows the great importance of a charming cover, and that is why they can pay over $300 for a single design. If your work is great, you can be employed part time by information marketers. To get clients, use the sites that comes.Great sites to get ebook cover design jobs: 
  • 99Designs
  • UpWork
13).    Get Paid To Design Business Logos 
Why not become an online logo designer and make easy money from home?
This goes right beside e-cover designs, you can incorporate logo designs into your portfolio and market your skill to your current clients.You can also participate in logo contests where several logo designers will come and compete for a great prize in cash.

The last logo contest I participated via earned me $750, it was a corporate logo for a real estate company. This is a sweet business to be in and to start today, the sites below can help.


14).   Make Legit Income Cross-selling One-Time-Offers (OTO)

This unique way of making money online stems from the believe that people don’t want to lose a great opportunity.

The pain of missing out is so significant. After you give out a free report to your site or blog visitor, you can present them with a One-Time-Offer that is not too expensive.

Every internet marketer out there who is wise makes use of it. This is often referred to as a “back-end” product and the conversion is awesome.

For instance, if you are giving away a free report on how to make money with Google AdSense, on your thank you page, offer a ready made AdSense sites and sell it for $17 or thereabout.

You’ll make some decent money. Just have the right traffic coming and the rest will fall into good hands.

15).   Make Additional Income With Joint Venture Partnerships 

Do you know you can make money online by simply networking with other people? Yes, it’s called joint venture partnership (or, JV).

They can help you promote your product to their huge mailing list and that is big money for you. If you’re still on your own and wants to make money, it’s going to take some time before you earn the kind of money you desire.You can’t do it all by yourself – let those who have achieved success help you out.

If you have a skill like copywriting, e-book cover designs, you can strike a big contract when you partner with a famous information marketer online.

16).    Get Paid To Refer Customers To Pay Per Lead Programs

Do you hate selling?
Alright, this is the perfect home business opportunity for you. You get paid for every person you refer to a site.When that person registers and becomes a member of that site, or subscribes to newsletter, you earn a commission.

How? Your special referral link will be tracked via cookies and every person who comes through your link is credited to you. I know some people who are making $100 and above simply by referring their friends. Some helpful resources:, etc.

17).     Get Paid To Help Businesses Audit and Improve Their Websites 

As a website auditor, you can easily earn quick money when you audit a website and improve on it’s performance.

If a website or sales letter is not generating sales, this is a BIG headache for the site owner, they want to solve that problem and the only person suitable is the website auditor.

You can edit some of the letters, change fonts, rewrite a selected area of the site, work on the background and foreground images.

You get paid upfront for doing this – you’re seen as an authority and this is the basis for the high earnings. $100 daily is too little but let’s be conservative right here – you can make $2000 monthly as a website auditor.

18).    Surprise: Generate More Money Online Out of Thin Air

Is it possible to earn extra cash out of thin air? Absolutely! The internet is a very interesting place to be in. Let me show you the trick. 

Are you currently a customer of a certain product or a membership site? Simply make money by introducing your friends. 

How? When you send an email to your friend, include a link that says “refer a friend,” so that your friend will in turn send it over to a friend until your link becomes viral, touching life all over the web and generating money for you, even while you sleep.

19).     Google Wants to Pay You: Make Money Through AdSense

The almighty Google have been paying ordinary people thousands every month. Have you started to make money from AdSense yet? Well, start today.You get paid when someone clicks on an advertisement on your site or blog. The earnings can range from $0.50 – $5.00 per click. 

You sure need a handful of traffic to your site every day in order to make this payoff.Alternatively, maximize your earnings by registering with other AdSense sharing sites, they already have the traffic, write articles and submit to them - and make money doing so. 

20).    Quickly Generate Income Promoting Hot Trends

Hot trends can earn you $100 daily if you take advantage of it immediately. Hot trends don’t last a decade so you have to get right in. Whenever a story, technology, electronics, news, invention, fashion or information is HOT, I mean really HOT, simply create a report and sell it online. 

You an also build a free blog on hot stories and monetize it with Google AdSense and related pay per sale. Pay per lead programs also work well especially when the trend has a lot to do with technology. Use Google Trends to know what's trending right now.

21).    Become a Web Hosting Reseller and Earn Passive Income

Everyone wants to earnincome continually. You can set yourself apart by getting involved with web hosting. This is a hot trend home business opportunity every time because more and more sites and blogs are going online.Webmasters need hosting for their next project.

Become a reseller with some of the top hosting sites at a very cheap rate and start sharing the space with your clients. As soon as your clients increase, you can earn $3,000 from hosting renewals and new customers. For a perfect reseller account, use:

22).     Promote Recurring Affiliate Programs and Make Real Money

I recently started promoting recurring products, the result is fabulous. These products will earn you money every single month for as long as the customer you referred renews his account.

At the initial stage, you’ve got to work, but after a while, you stop working and they people you referred will continue to pay your bills even while you’re off snowboarding or climbing the Kalahari hills. 

23).   Amazon Wants To Pay You: Become an Amazon Associate

Amazon is the world’s famous shopping site. Now, you don’t just have to shop for books and other electronics, you can make money when you send a buyer to Amazon store. I love promoting Amazon products because the conversion rate is over 20%. Here are reasons why you should try Amazon:
  • Online shoppers trust Amazon more than other websites
  • Amazon pays you commission on any product the buyer you referred purchased. It doesn't matter whether you sent them to buy a digital camera - if they decide to buy a Nike running shoe, you also make money.

The name “AMAZON” is already a household name and convincing online shoppers is just very simple.Even a total beginner can make money with this.

When you register with Amazon, you’re referred to as an “associate,” the same thing with an affiliate marketer when you register with Clickbank. To get started, visit and scroll down to the bottom of the page.

24).    Create Your Own Product and Get 100% of the Profit

Want to really get into the money making kingdom of the top gurus? You should start with your own product. It’s not even difficult to create a quality e-book especially when you have acquired some great knowledge from affiliate marketing.

Selling your own product is quite easier because you are the creator. Sometimes, people promote affiliate products which they have not used themselves, selling is a lot harder when you have not tried something out – convincing is not easy.

But with your own product, you can beat your chest that your product works or the buyer will get a no question asked money back guarantee.

25).   Make Money Online Displaying Sponsored ads on Your Blog 

Display relevant banner ads on your blog and earn a commission when a sale is made. Just make sure the banners you selected are beautiful so that you can make real money online without asking anyone to buy.

"Before you can successfully make money through display advertising, you need to have your own website, preferably a WordPress blog. And you should be generating a decent amount of website traffic."
The banners will speak for themselves. The best banner sizes to display on your Blog are 125 x 125 and 160 x 600. They will look professional and enticing to click.
26).    Make Extra Income Online With Network Marketing Programs
Sometimes it’s difficult to make a living online, but with several hands lifting you up, you can achieve success faster. As a network marketer, you get the support of established MLM managers who are making money from home without doing anything. According to Clickon Digital, 48% of network marketers succeed within their first 2 years.
Their huge down lines pays their bills. Why not get yourself involved and benefit from their years of hard work and zeal? $100 is just so little to make when you finally scale this business opportunity up.
27).     Make Money on the Web with Ebay Auctions
What item do you have at home that you no longer need? That could be beneficial to another person. Is it your used digital camera, accessories, electronics, just name it, they are money to you. Ebay has a lot of buyers waiting for your item.
Go right in and auction your item out and make some decent money.Aside selling your own stuffs on Ebay, you can also register as their partner, you earn a commission when customers buy. 
Ebay is a household name just like Amazon, they have millions of shoppers across the world over. Make money from ebay in 2 unique ways:
       As a seller
      As an affiliate
28).    Make Extra Income Writing About Your Passion
Do you have a passion? Off course everyone has one. That is money for you. Use WordPress and setup a blogging site for yourself.
The way to build your name, brand and trust is to deliver quality and top notch information on your blog. Great blogs to learn from are: Copyblogger and Problogger.
Use your blog to build responsive readership, build email list via your blog so that when you do have an offer to make, it become easier to sell and make money.When you blog about your passion, it’s easier and you enjoy it.
You can charge any amount you feel your passion is worth.
It takes time before you can build trust with people.

Connect with other top bloggers to showcase your ideas through guest posting and the results would pay heavily.In order to make $100 from blogging, you need to monetize your blog with affiliate products, pay per click campaigns and banner ads.
29).    Become A Virtual Assistant and Make Money
If you have access to internet, becoming a virtual assistant might be the next move.Like I mentioned earlier, famous bloggers and website owners do not have the time to read emails and reply to them.
They don’t have time to do keyword research and even write articles.You can help them out on a part time basis and earn for your assistant. There are places you can go and apply for a virtual assistant job. Some of the sites are:
30).    Earn Cash Part-Time: Sell Photos Online
If you’re looking for how to sell some cute shots you took during wedding, convocation, holidays vacation, dancing or whatever, the internet is the best place to start.Your photos can be used for web site designs, e-cover designs, advertising and for book publishing.
You need to take intelligent shots especially for business use, landscape, relationships, teenagers, society and environment, transportation, technology, etc. You can start selling photos on: 
(31).    Build Your Brand: Make 6-Figure Income as an Online Coach
Whatever you have in your head is important to another person. You can make money from home with no investments, by simply selling your skill.
Teach people how to do something and as time goes by, create an e-book that contains your tutorial. “How to” reports are selling like crazy on the internet, start your own.You can organize an online coaching with a membership site and charge a fee before an access can be granted anyone.
You can make this a recurring income, whereby your members pay every month for a new tutorial. Interestingly, you can begin your online coaching career with these platforms:


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